Norma Lopez’s Story | Coworkers shave heads to support patient during her breast cancer diagnosis

As seen on KARK and Fox16. In December 2019, Norma Lopez discovered a lump in her breast, a lump that had not been noticed just a couple weeks earlier during her annual pap smear. She returned to her OBGYN who referred her to Dr. Jerri Fant, CARTI’s breast surgeon, for a biopsy. When the results came back, they confirmed that Norma had invasive ductal … Continued

Sara Clevenger and Christy Wygal’s Story | Mother-Daughter Duo Undergo Treatment Together

While many cancer patients are blessed with a support system that rallies around them throughout their cancer journey, it’s inevitable that not every feeling – both positive and negative – will be fully understood purely because their friends and family may not have experienced a cancer diagnosis themselves. That’s not the case for Sara Clevenger … Continued

Dr. Jeanine Andersson’s Story | Hope of All Hopes

In January 2017, Dr. Jeanine Andersson, a Little Rock-based hand surgeon, went in for a small gynecological procedure. As a physician herself, Jeanine admits that she almost skipped her post-op appointment saying, “I was doing fine and I didn’t want to waste the doctor’s time.” But she said the voice in the back of her … Continued

Curtis Pinkerton’s Story | Former Pediatric Patient ‘Embraces Each Day as a New Experience’

After a seemingly harmless injury while playing football, Curtis Pinkerton, just 17 years old at the time, visited the emergency department at Conway Regional Medical Center. The on-call physician recommended a precautionary x-ray to assess the damage, but what they found was much more than this teenager ever expected.  A quick review of the x-ray … Continued

Patient with incurable cancer fights for her life and undiagnosed patients

As seen on KTHV. The number of people living with undiagnosed diseases is unknown but considered to be vast. In one survey, patients in the United States with rare diseases had to go to the doctor an average of eight times to find answers. During that process, many were misdiagnosed two to three times or more. … Continued

Kacie Barnett’s Story | Breast cancer survivor finds care close to home

In November 2018, Kacie Barnett was in the midst of a similarly stressful, yet non-cancer-related journey. At 29 years old, Kacie and her husband K.C. had turned to fertility specialists to try and expand their family. Her world was consumed by life-changing medical interventions they were undergoing to try to conceive a child, so a … Continued

Hazel Thomas’ Story | Survivor lives life in spite of chronic diagnosis

It was February 2001 when Hazel Thomas received news that would change her life forever. She was seeing her primary care physician for her annual checkup, which included routine blood work. She left feeling accomplished that she’d checked that task off her to-do list, so she was surprised when she heard from the physician a couple … Continued

Kelly Pittman’s Story | Girl, Be Brave

As seen in SavvyKids, October 2019. By Angela E. Thomas Last fall, 3-year old Bennett jumped in his mom’s lap to play. The toddler accidently hit mom Kelly Pittman’s chest, unknowingly causing her a bit of unusual pain. He also unknowingly helped save Kelly’s life. Kelly and Ben Pittman were pretty much living the American … Continued

Mary Parham’s Story | Breast cancer survivor stresses importance of routine mammogram

The Susan G. Komen Central Arkansas More than Pink Walk is this weekend, Saturday, October 26. Along with helping fund breast cancer research and patient care, it will also celebrate breast cancer survivors. Mary Parham is one of those. Parham – a mother, grandmother and great grandmother – was diagnosed with stage three evasive breast cancer in April 2018. As … Continued

Jan Crosby’s Story | It Takes a Village

A cancer diagnosis has a ripple effect that can touch the lives of those close to a patient, and even those who live far away. This sentiment was most recently felt with breast cancer patient Jan Crosby when she rang the bell, signifying that she had finished her final round of chemotherapy treatments. As she … Continued